trump has more than three years left in his term. what are we going to do?

Foreign policy

If there has been one defining trait in the strange policy of the Trump era, it is confusion – not just in the frequent gaps between the paths taken by the president and his own assistants, but likewise in the morass of contradictions and U-turns in his ain impulses.

Trump has insisted on bringing dorsum US troops from Syria and Afghanistan, but has at times shocked his advisers with a bellicosity, towards Iran in item, that risks starting new wars.

While demonising the government in Tehran, Trump has decided not to directly competition Iranian influence in Syria with US troops. He threatened "burn down and fury" confronting N Korea, simply has since claimed to have "fallen in love" with Kim Jong-un, although the young dictator has yet to show whatever inclination to dismantle his nuclear arsenal.

He is reluctant to criticise Vladimir Putin, boosting suspicions that he is under the sway of the Kremlin. Just his administration has arguably taken a tougher line against Russia than its predecessor, piling on more sanctions and supplying lethal weaponry to Ukraine.

At that place are some themes, yet, that make foreign policy in the age of Trump quite different in character from any previous administration. One of them is the personalisation of relations with foreign governments.

Trump manifestly trusts his gut instincts more the advice of the U.s.a. foreign policy and security institution, and those instincts take drawn him towards autocrats and away from traditional autonomous allies, whom he often views as freeloaders, taking reward of Us might.

Trump meets Kim Jong-un in Singapore.
Trump meets Kim Jong-un in Singapore on 12 June 2018. Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Some other constant in the Trumpian approach to the world is the bulldoze to erase the legacy of Barack Obama and his other predecessors. Well-nigh everything Obama was for, Trump has been overwhelmingly against, from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran to trade deals in the Pacific or with Europe, or the Paris climate accord.

The distrust of multilateral agreements and institutions is a third persistent theme. Trump's template for making deals is two powerful men facing off beyond a table. Round tables with a multifariousness of voices frustrate him, forcing him to listen to foreigners with less power or with dissimilar points of view. He chose John Bolton as national security adviser primarily to build a bonfire of United states international obligations.

Trump has yet to be tested past an international crisis not of his own making. In the two years to come, we will see whether his (and the world'south) luck will continue to hold.


"This is the greatest economy in the history of our country," Donald Trump told reporters last year. 2 years into his presidency he has plenty to brag about but also some big problems. Many of his own making.

Unemployment is close to levels unseen since the first moon landing. It ticked up last month just even that rise came as more workers came off the sidelines and started looking for piece of work. So far about 5m jobs have been created under Trump.

It is pretty dubious to merits presidents "create" jobs merely they all take the credit when things are proficient; unsurprisingly Trump is no exception. The current recovery clearly began under the previous president, Barack Obama. Fifty-fifty with the unarguably impressive improvements nether Trump, he has a way to go before he can fulfil his promise of being "the greatest jobs president that God e'er created".

Pecker Clinton holds the tape for largest numeric increment in the workforce, 23m jobs over his ii terms. Obama, who was elected in the teeth of the worst recession in living memory, added 10m jobs over his 2 terms.

Donald Trump displays the $1.5tn tax cut he had just signed, on 22 December 2017.
Trump displays the $i.5tn tax cut he had just signed, on 22 December 2017. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

Trump is off to a bully start, but it's just that. The US has experienced 99 months of consecutive jobs growth and a slowdown seems inevitable.

Trump does, however, already accept i over on Obama. Wage growth is finally picking up – a flake – after years of stagnation.

In other areas, Trump'due south economical record is more discordant.

Trump's single biggest policy achievement is the $one.5tn tax cut he pushed through in November 2017. Slammed past critics on the left and right equally a giveaway for corporations and the ane%, it helped Democrats win in November'south midterm elections.

And then, of course, there's Trump's other virtually notable economical policy – trade wars. Trump has effectively torn up decades of trade agreements and antagonised his largest trading partners. The impact of the rancor he has sown is nonetheless being assessed but it has already triggered dramatic sell-offs on stock markets and may have contributed to a slowdown in the Chinese economy. Apple issued its get-go profits alert since 2002 earlier this calendar month, blaming slowing business in China. There volition exist more warnings to come.

Trump'southward economical populism helped get him elected. Whether he gets a 2d term will probably depend on whether he can keep the promises he made in the first, or whether the moves he made in the terminal two years come dorsum to haunt him.


Call it Operation Patriarchy. Erstwhile white men are fighting a losing boxing against changing demographics in the United States, simply the 72-year-erstwhile president and 76-year-old Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, are doing their utmost to safeguard the supremacy of white men in American courts.

For 2 years, they take been packing the courts with predominantly white male bourgeois judges, whose lifetime appointments will mean the federal benches look a lot less similar the state they preside over.

That may sound like business as usual for a party in ability but it is actually the product of McConnell'due south long-term strategy. He blocked dozens of Obama nominees for the federal courts by refusing to hold Senate votes, gambling that in 2016 a Republican might win the presidency and present a roster of more conservative judges.

Trump congratulates Brett Kavanaugh on his swearing-in as a supreme court justice in October.
Trump congratulates Brett Kavanaugh on his swearing-in as a supreme court justice in October. Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

After the 2016 death of the supreme court justice Antonin Scalia, McConnell used his command of the Senate to go along the seat vacant for 293 days by refusing a hearing for Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland.

For white evangelical Christians, a vacant seat on the supreme court was the most compelling reason to vote for Trump, the thrice-married alleged series adulterer who boasted of sexually interfering with women.

After winning the presidency, Trump nominated a bourgeois in Neil Gorsuch.

In 2018, Brett Kavanaugh'south supreme court nomination was forced through after a vitriolic and incomplete examination of by sexual set on allegations, which he denied.

Trump and McConnell delivered a bourgeois majority on the court, which could now concluding decades and gives hopes of overturning the the 1973 Roe 5 Wade decision, which enshrined the right to abortion.

McConnell and Trump have also been moving quickly to shift the appeal and commune courts to the correct.

So far, 85 judges have been appointed past Trump – two to the supreme court, thirty for the US courts of appeal and 53 to commune courts. That is a faster stride than Obama who, in eight years, appointed ii supreme courtroom justices, 55 appeal judges and 268 district judges.

Trump has 70 more nominations in the pipeline which tin be canonical by a simple bulk vote in the Senate, where Republicans concord a 53-47 advantage. Dominated by white men, many under 50, Trump's appointments are already the least diverse crop of new judges for a generation.

The Firm, newly controlled by the Democrats under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi, tin terminate Republican legislation. But Democrats on Capitol Hill are helpless against Trump's determination to install equally many judges as possible.


Trump's stewardship of the environment is peradventure best known for the president'southward dismissal of climate change every bit a Chinese hoax, or the allegations of flamboyant levels of corruption by Scott Pruitt and Ryan Zinke, the now former heads of the Environmental Protection Agency and interior section, respectively.

But it's the more mundane unspooling of arcane regulations by the administration that is most likely to leave a tangible mark on the health of Americans and the globe around them.

This work is ploddingly tenacious. For instance, during the somnambulant period between Christmas and the New year's day, the EPA decided that rules curbing emissions of mercury, linked to neurological disorders, heart and lung problems and compromised immune systems, are too onerous on coal plants and should be scrapped.

Trump attends a rally in Charleston, West Virginia in August last year.
Trump attends a rally in Charleston, West Virginia in August terminal year. Photograph: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

The proposed reversal is but the latest in a list of about 80 ecology rules either dismantled or slated for abolitionism by the Trump administration. They include the devastation of the primary Obama-era policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from free energy, the halting of a planned ban of a pesticide deemed harmful to infants' development and a weakening of fuel efficiency standards for cars.

The new vehicles regime sets up a bitter fight with California, which has stricter pollution rules for cars and trucks than the federal standards. A cavalcade of legal activity on other problems is also expected to play out this twelvemonth as environmental groups endeavour to strike downwardly the Trumpian rollbacks.

Notwithstanding, unlike many other areas of life, any sort of filibuster is almost as harmful every bit active worsening, with the world's climate swiftly heating upwardly to an unbearable signal for many Americans, who already face increasingly punishing hurricanes, rising seas and apocalyptic wildfires.

In October, a landmark study by UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic change warned in that location is only a dozen years left to preclude global temperatures tipping beyond a point where droughts, floods, farthermost heat and poverty become horrendously worse.

In response, Trump claimed to have a "natural instinct for scientific discipline" considering his uncle, John Trump, was a professor of applied science at the Massachusetts Plant of Technology. The president added that the climate "goes back and forth, back and forth" before delivering his verdict on the IPCC report itself. "I don't believe it," he said.


It took global condemnation and sustained bipartisan criticism at domicile for Donald Trump to show he had limits on how much suffering immigrants should endure for his own political gain.

For three months in 2018 Trump admitted forcibly separating migrant children from their families, provoking scenes of desperation in border courtrooms and detention centres as mothers and fathers begged to accept their children returned. In fact it may have been separating thousands of children since 2017.

Trump's daughter and senior adviser Ivanka described those months as "a low indicate" for the administration, which formally abased the policy in June.

And yet, a unmarried U-turn aside, the administration continues to pursue an extremist calendar on immigration, keeping families separated in different, more insidious, ways.

Trump speaks before border wall prototypes near the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego.
Trump speaks before edge wall prototypes nearly the Otay Mesa port of entry in San Diego. Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Trump's travel ban, targeting a number of Muslim-majority countries, has stopped family members in some of the world's nigh unstable regions from visiting their loved ones in America. About recently a woman from Yemen was temporarily prevented from visiting her terminally ill ii-year-old son, an American citizen.

The administration, having supercharged immigration enforcement agents' power, continues to drive up the number of arrests and deportations of undocumented people – most with no serious criminal history. Now a record 44,000 people are held in immigration detention as the immigration court backlog swells to a record loftier. Thousands of those facing deportation have lived in America for decades, edifice families and new lives here.

Meanwhile the administration has cutting the number of refugees allowed into the state to a record low of 30,000. Information technology has slashed the number of successful green card applications. And Trump has personally threatened to attempt to end birthright citizenship.

Of course, there is as well Trump's infamous campaign pledge to build a wall along the US'south southern border, which he concedes volition non now be funded by Mexico, or made of physical.

Despite a government shutdown over wall funding crippling parts of the federal government, information technology is those most vulnerable, namely asylum seekers forced to languish just exterior the US, who endure the near as a upshot of Trump's relentless pursuit of an ineffective solution to a circuitous problem on the border.


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