Uncertainty is worse than failure. You went to the interview, two weeks ago. It went quite well–or at least you had a proficient feeling from your meeting with the employer. What'south more than, you lot followed the books, sending a follow upward email, or at least a short thank you lot note. You did everything you could, and there is no response. For the whole ii weeks. What the heck does it mean?

Employer tin can decide to non contact you for two weeks subsequently the interview for a variety of reasons. Some are expected and some are rather surprising, or even baroque. Allow'southward have a look at them, one past i.

1. They chose someone else for the task, and aren't serious plenty to let you know

Let'due south face up the reality. Nobody likes the role of a bearer of bad news. Interviewers and HR managers are besides people. They have their worries and concerns, and they avert unpleasant conversations whenever they can.

Hence if the policy or visitor directive does not implicitly oblige them to inform all job applicants about the result of the interviews–including the losers and the unsuccessful, they volition simply ghost you.

Do non take it personally though. You weren't the only 1 ghosted. Maybe just the chosen 1 got a call, and the second best bidder, so they have an alternative for replacement, if their first option decides to not take the employment contract…

There is also a brilliant side of this situation. It probably isn't such a slap-up company to piece of work for, if they ghost people after interviews… Time to forget them and move on, applying for a job with someone more than serious.

* Special Tip: If information technology happens to y'all often, that they choose someone else, and y'all are left waiting for a phone call that volition never come, accept a look at our Interview Success Parcel. Upward to ten premium answers to basically every question yous can face in your interviews will help you brand an unforgettable impression on the hiring managers, and stand out from other people who compete for the task with you. And yous won't have to read this commodity again, waiting for a telephone call that volition never come, ending the 2nd best, or worse…

two. The hiring process isn't finished yet, some candidates are still interviewing for the task

Corporations around the globe practise not follow some standard template when trying to fill a vacancy. 1 company may interview dozens of applicants in a single week. The interview sessions start on Monday and end on Thursday, and everything is articulate on Friday. They know who got the task, and can allow everyone know their decision.

But other companies may take weeks or even months to interview all shortlisted candidates for a particular position. ii weeks in nothing from their perspective. This happens especially when we talk about prestigious jobs or some specialty engineering careers.

Candidates may fly to the interviews from different parts of the globe, and patently quality people have their commitments, and not everyone is able to interview for a task during the same calendar week.

If you happen to exist one of the candidates in this scenario, they may let y'all wait simply because the interviews haven't ended yet, and they exercise not know whether or non they'll offer y'all a contract.

In an platonic globe they'd update you about the situation, asking you to expect, explaining the reasons. Only nosotros do not live in an ideal world, corporate people are busy, and do not e'er practise the nearly right thing. If yous cannot stand waiting, requite them a telephone call, and politely enquire what'southward going on, and when they will permit you know their decision.

* Do not forget to check: 15 virtually common interview questions and answers.

three . They are testing your mental attitude, and your real level of motivation

If y'all actually desire something, with all your heart and soul, you will go afterwards it. You won't expect for someone else to telephone call yous and tell y'all their decision–exist it two days, or two weeks after the meeting. When the time is right, you will simply call them, or even walk into the company and ask to talk with the recruiter.

I experienced this years agone, participating in the interviewing console which I was non leading. The interviews were really close, and we had 3 keen candidates for the job. Only the company wanted to hire merely one. The CEO set the rules:

We won't call anybody from the candidates. No thank you lot note either, no response to their follow upward letters. The get-go 2 phone calls from whatsoever candidate will also be rejected. The 1 who'd persistent plenty, who calls the third time, will get the task–equally long equally it is one of the 3 shortlisted candidates.

And that's exactly what happened. We gave the task to the guy who was persistent in their attempt to find out the effect of the interviews, who kept calling. Because they clearly demonstrated how much it meant for them, how badly they wanted the position…

Peradventure they aren't calling you, because they want y'all to make that final step. Think about it for a moment…

* May also interest you: Interview follow-upward call – find the truth immediately.

iv. They lost your contact details, or your communication ended in a spam folder

With spam filters getting ever more than strict, this happens to many companies.  And many concern also do non have their post server set properly… Hither at InterviewPenguin we experience this on a daily basis. Emails from serious businesses seeking partnership or cooperation finish up in our spam folder.

And, our emails, containing download details to a product our customers purchased from united states, never reach their inboxes… this happens particularly with hotmail, yahoo and some .edu main addresses.

Accept you checked your spam folder? And what electronic mail provider do you use for your advice with the employers? Gmail is safe and will pass most all spam filters. But if y'all communicate from yahoo, or some shady business relationship on some rigged server, information technology may hands happen that an employer will never get your follow-upwardly emails.

This tin can as well be the reason why there is no response two weeks after your job interview.

5. They are waiting for an approval from the CEO or some other executive

Hr Generalists of Managers practise not command the budgets. Hiring y'all volition be plush, and often also risky business for the company. Typically someone with a college rank have to requite a last green low-cal.

This is an occurred state of affairs sometimes, because the CEO might non talk to yous and other candidates in person. They just read some reports from HR people, who might recommend you as the best bidder for the job, and shared a curt contour of you with the CEO.

At present the determination maker tin be hesitating for several reasons. They may consider conducting one last round of interviews–the concluding interview, when they will talk to you lot and 1 or ii other shortlisted applicants. And since they are busy it can accept fourth dimension until they let the HR people know and they allow you lot know, then on.

Another reason for their hesitation tin can exist the uncertainty in the air. Things are ever more unstable with global warming and pandemic threats. They might approve a new vacancy a month ago, just now, later on the recent development in the world economy, they aren't so certain about hiring someone new anymore.

Information technology may happen that nobody gets the job at the end… considering the CEO eventually cancels the new position.

Decision, next steps

Two weeks may seem similar ages, especially if you need a task badly, or if you really desire this 1. It probably won't panel you, but yous should know that many people experience the same fate. They are waiting for a response from an employer, with high hopes, but there is no phone call or electronic mail. For ii weeks, or fifty-fifty for longer.

You take basically three options at this betoken:

  • Keep on waiting, hoping that scenario no ii. (interviews oasis't finished nonetheless) or scenario no. 5 (they are waiting for a final green light from CEO) is taking identify.
  • Taking action. The mild step is sending them an e-mail, even repeatedly. Ensure that y'all use gmail or other reliable service, and your messages reach the mailbox of a recruiter. You can take it i step farther and phone call to the visitor, asking the receptionist to give you the number of the hiring managing director. The nigh bold motility is to walk in and enquire. Non many people have backbone to exercise that, but if they don't respond your calls or emails, it may exist the simply way to find out their determination.
  • Forgetting about it and focusing on other opportunities. Let' be realistic. In four out of 5 cases scenario no. 1 takes places–you've been ghosted, they chose someone else, and decided non to talk to you anymore. Their mistake–they missed on an opportunity to rent a groovy guy like you :). Let'south forget about them. Job search is a game of numbers. Continue sending applications and interviewing for jobs. Sooner or later, you will get a bang-up one…. I wish you good luck!

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Matthew Chulaw

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